As a GLOBALG.A.P registered trainer, we provide the following technical support to potential farmers, exporters, agric extension workers, service providers, policy makers, agric institutions. etc. as follows:
- We offer firsthand knowledge about the GLOBALG.A.P system and the latest developments in agriculture
- An independent onsite advisors and consultants who will walk producers through steps necessary to obtain GLOBALG.A.P Certification
- Use of our expertise to make the standard easier to understand and simplify audit preparations
- Register farmers and farmers group and manage their data in the GLOBALG.A.P database
- Assist farmers to access markets and link them with selected customers in the supply chain such as supermarkets chains in UK & other EU countries
- Support producers during the official audit procedure as a partner / licensed farm assurer
- Increase their local capacity through training and technology knowledge transfer
- Connect producers/exporters with potential customers in the UK and other EU countries who are members of GLOBALG.A.P
- Extend the market power and reach of the Nigeria producers/exporters
- Increase their foreign currency earning power through product sales
Planning your next certification? Talk to us Now!
IFS Standards are uniform food, product and service standards.They ensure that IFS-certified companies produce a product or provide a service that complies with customer specifications, while continually working on process improvements. IFS aims to ensure comparability and transparency for the consumer throughout the entire supply chain, and to reduce costs for suppliers and retailers

- Food
- Dry products, other ingredients and supplements
- Fruit and vegetables
- Grain products, cereals, industrial bakery and pastry, confectionary, snacks
- Combined Products

- Packaging